Go OC 2010 Pan Asia & African regional final results are in

GO OC Asia logo_L

The Pan Asia and Africa GO OC was the 1st regional final event to decide who will represent their country and regions in the September GO OC 2010 global final in Taipei. The event was held in Jakarta, Indonesia this past weekend and brought together the top overclockers from 17 regions around pan Asia and Africa.

The winners who will go through to the final are:

Place Region Name Handle/aka
1st Thailand Paizol Maddusah ZoLKorn
2nd Middle East Shahr Sakhtafzar Shahryar_Neo
3rd Indonesia Ekky Jengkol

Here you can see ZoLKorn amongst the other competitors wearing his signature red cap and holding his US$3,000 winner’s check.


Visit the official website to find out who else competed in the event and to see more pictures. Personally, this was the most memorable GO OC event that I have attended with huge crowds in Jakarta’s Mangga Dua computer mall as can be seen in the picture below.


A point of interest is that our first international OC competition was also in Jakarta back in 2007. It was called GOC (GIGABYTE Overclocking Competition) in those days and we had a mere 7 Asian regional teams participating. It was extremely encouraging for me to see how Go OC has grown over the past 4 years, and I must say I had an absolute blast!

Good luck to the winners and we look forward to seeing you in Taipei at the Go OC 2010 global final in September.

Here is some early coverage of the event from our Indonesian Media friends:











