Week 8 Winner of a GIGABYTE X58A-UD5 Announced

Rizwan Siddiquee is this week’s winner of the Search for GIGABYTE’s #1 Biggest Fan Contest on Facebook. This week’s question was: What do you do to reduce the power consumption of your PC? Or what could others do to improve their PC’s energy efficiency?

Rizwan’s suggestion for improving PC Power Efficiency:

First of all I love you Gigabyte....2nd I am an engineering student...Searching for a gud computer component is like going through every single detail of the available components...I want to build the best computer in my Town...For which i have been doing tremendous research on motherboards and other components since 8 months ...Except motherboard and Power supply i have bought everything but due to some financial problems i am still waiting to buy a core i7 1366 motherboard...Almost gone through every review site on the web..Including Anandtech , Tom's Hardware, Hardwarecanucks, newegg, tweaktown, xtremesystems, overclocker's forum and etc etc...

To build a very efficient computer one doesn't only need a gud motherboard,processor,hard disk and other components which have a gud performance, but also has a good performance:price ratio...

After long research i think the "x58a-ud5 2.0" and "x58a-ud7" is the very nice option for me..You people don't know how big fan of Gigabyte i am..Wish i could prove it by submitting pictures of mine supporting Gigabyte...:)

Since the discussion here is how to lower the power consumption of my PC, for that I have certain points to let you know..

Generally as far as i think these are some power saving ways which we people follow..

1.When PC is not in working state we can either switch to hibernation or we turn of the monitor or we even turn off the Hard disk..These functions come pre-programmed in WINDOWS.

2.We disable some physical cores through BIOS
(Supported by Gigabyte and ASUS boards for multicore processors..)

3.We use a better quality of PSU about 80+ or so.So no extra power is lost in poor quality rails in powering up the PC.

4.We buy power efficient Components like motherboards(Like Gigabyte having large number of Phase modules providing cleaner power(Being #1 in the world till date to bring out largest phase power Motherboard the X58A-UD9)),processor,Hard disk (like western digital has its green hard drive). and also power efficient VGAs.(Definitely gigabyte. I'll explain it in later part why go for Gigabyte)

5.Rarest of all , which sum THE BIG GUYS do,is to underclock their Overclocked PCs to save extra energy loss when they don't require that much of performance.

6.We put our PC or Laptops in different power saving modes(Supported in high end PCs and Laptops).

7.While i am only discussing about after sales pc power consumption stages..One cannot forget the manufacturing stages also where the company develops and creat the components...there we can embedd better performing components which have lower power consmption or rather cleaner power output...better mode of tracking the internal devices and controlling them by the means of Artificial Intelligence(although it requires various controlling units),but it can bring up the quality of the components as well as their MTBF...(Generally i am speaking about the motherboards )..Cooling system design should be taken into great account...

8.Should be designed to withstand mechanical shocks a well as Electrostatic shocks so as to overcome our daily life routines and prevent long lasting damages..

9.Last but not the least..Hook draw your power source from your neighbour's power grid..Lolzz..Don't do it,its a crime..I am kidding..:)

Now i'll explain how Gigabyte have made the above ways of powersaving techniques easy and user-friendly..

1.First thanks to Gigabyte for doing so painful R&D work and bringing out the best in the market...They are the only one who have beautifully Engineered their Boards with components like 2oz Copper PCB, which not only brings down the total internal Impedance and consume less power, but also act as a very good mode of heat dissipator , combining it with large heat sinks near the processor socket and silent pipe technology.Since posting of external links are not allowed here ,otherwise i could have shown you how efficiently gigabyte boards discipate heat when looked upon by Infrared cameras..

2.Now comes one of best model of engineering by Gigabyte...The DES energy saver..by which we can in realtime enable or disable the processor cores and save a lot amount of energy..No more boggling through BIOS to disable or enable cores multicore processors..

3.Last time i visited computer fair in my city called COMPASS, I was shocked to see that Gigabyte motherboards can detect bluetooth signals from your cell phone and act wisely to save power...there was a presentation of X58A-UD7 board.It used to go in a hibernation like state whenever the person showing the presentation used to go out of the stadium, as this fair was held in an indoor stadium..Yes my Friends this is a new technology by none other but Gigabyte..This is called AutoGreen system..Now unlike previous times when we use to go out for some reason emergently we had to take precautions of either shutting down the pc or put it to hibernate..Now it has become very easy...u just need a bluetooth dongle and a bluetooth enabled cell phone.once you are out of range, the PC thinks itself and puts itsef in lowest power consumption state..

4.When it comes to VGA, i always recommend you people to go with Gigabyte...my friend has one ASUS GTX 280 and i have GIGABYTE GV-N275UD-896H...We did benchmarking for
power consumtion
Noise coming out of vga
and defintely the big thing "Money:performance(ratio)"..
Truthfully speaking performance wise my Gigabyte(GTX 275) one was a little bit backward by 2.63 points, as the asus one had a faster GPU(GTX 280)..
power consumtion was:
for asus it was ~ 173-256(W)
and Gigabyte ~139-231 (W)
(at idle conditions and full load conditions)
I did a lot of research again and found out that my VGA has a thicker 2oz copper PCB so energy loss is very less..
noise coming out of my VGA was comparatively very low..
I paid for my VGA card $219 and my friend paid $289...So as you see Gigabyte is bringing out the best products at very low price..I strongly recommend Gigabyte VGAs..They are very stable..and if they do give any probs just update the BIOS or their driver and whossssshhhhh ur problem is solved...

5.Now comes the BIG THING ...Overclocking!!!
Forget those old days when you have to go through BIOS and do a lot of tricks to make your system fast..Once again thanks to Gigabyte..It provides us with a single click Overclock and that's too in real-time..So for a newbie like me its a boon ...Just install an aftermarket cooler and click the button in your windows OS and your system is overclocked.And this facility as you all know is nothing but QuickBoost....

Wish i could win this motherboard and end my quest to build the best PC in town...
My Best Regards to Gigabyte...
Hope i can be one of your biggest fan on this planet..

I Love you Gigabyte..:)

